Bailey Lam


Model-Making/Props at N/A


I graduated from Bolton University in 2021 with a 2:1 degree in model making. Covid 19 disrupted the last 2 years of my studies so everything was done remotely in my dormitory and completed by hand which was stressful to do because I was restricted from using the workshop and I had tight deadlines. After graduation I decided to take time out to earn some money to learn to drive and buy myself a car which I have successfully done. I am currently working in a cafe bar in Prestatyn to gain some experience within a working environment and I am now ready to apply for jobs where I can use my degree.

As well as producing projects/assignments in university, I also made some personal projects in my spare time. Since working at the cafe full-time, I have not had time to do any other personal projects due to working long hours during the first year and a half of working there. As my hours have now been cut I am able to start my projects again. I am now starting a project involving a Japanese sailing boat from the Edo period (Yakatabune). I have used clay, leather, resin, blue-foam, H.I.Ps, wood and other basic materials in my personal projects.
Cyfeiriad / Address
44 Trevor Road