Sara Hartel


Theatre Maker at Sara Hartel


I'm Sara Hartel (they/them), a trans theatre-maker. I create experimental work that crosses boundaries of form and genre. My primary influences are interactive and immersive work alongside physical theatre. I make work that enables audiences to explore new experiences whether that’s finding the courage to strike against a brutal capitalist regime or creatively using access as a tool for storytelling.
I have been lead artist on various projects spanning different art forms and stretching the boundaries of theatre, for example the development of an alternative reality game for the well-being of health and social care workers for Cultural Cwtsh, or my latest project developing a piece for Elysium Gallery's "Queer Space Exhibition" where I collaborated with GUNK illustrations to create a choose your own adventure art installation. I also wrote and performed "Strike Ltd." at Volcano Theatre – an interactive one person show that incites the audience to riot.

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