Emily Seidel-Haas


Co-Founder at CB4 Theatre


We’re a Cardiff based theatre company and when we’re feeling fancy we say we make “DIY autobiographical performance art” but often we just say we are four friends pissing about on stage while people pay to watch.

The cornerstone of our company, and friendship, is play as a form of resistance. Our shows are high energy, silly, often emotional, always fun. We think this is the best way to have important conversations. As a disabled, neurodiverse, working class, queer led company we exist to challenge what theatre is and who it's for - to break down the barriers that people find when trying to access arts, and create spaces that we all feel welcome in. We're inspired by real people and real stories, using performance to connect directly with our audiences and do away with tired theatrical conventions. Who needs a fourth wall, anyway? Give us direct participation, we'll give you free beer: deal?