Neil Cocker

Founder / Consultant at Product Market Hiit


Neil is a British entrepreneur and startup mentor who has been working across Europe, most notably in the Balkans, for several years. His background in the music industry led to him starting a series of tech businesses in the merchandise sector. He now consults, mentors, and runs award-winning accelerator programmes that get concrete results for startup founders.

His first business was a record label, on which he was also a DJ and producer. He toured the world for several years before closing the label to be the co-founder of Dizzyjam, an e-commerce and merchandising service for the independent music industry, and, the smartest online service for buying promotional merchandise for events and businesses.

“Implementing so much of your advice, thank you! Also, my revenue is up 30% per sale from our conversation!”

– Aaron, founder, tech hardware founder

“Neil, I must admit it’s a new thing for me to meet someone who has the capability to go so deep into things from the first meeting.”

– Toni, CEO, adtech business

“Neil is a fantastic mentor who provides truly great advice and challenges you to think through your company problems. With his advice I have a better understanding of what needs to be done and how to move the company forward.”

– Holden, founder, foodtech startup