Fine Artist at Lianne Morgan Fine Artist


Lianne's began a journey of Fine Art by visualizing sound, and transposing sound into visuals. Lianne says "Word is not the only way we connect or communicate, we are connecting and communicating through a universal language of frequency and vibration. The negative space is where the networks, connections, and communications take place, the human eye is not developed to decode and visualize it, as an artist this is my objective Lianne says “Through the loss of my own voice, I began to experience synesthesia. Synaesthesia is a condition in which someone experiences things through their senses in an unusual way, for example, color as sound, music as color, or numbers as a position in space. I became aware that nonverbal and inaudible communication is taking place in the space around us and within us. My art process is based on my experience of sensual, embodied communication within the physical environment through cellular and molecular movement, vibration, and sound.

Lianne's creates some of the most beautiful aesthetic images I have seen in a long time. Her ability to capture the ethereal magic that surrounds us is her unique skill. She can translate issues, and theories, and expose the good, the bad and the ugly using various mediums and art forms such as sound, film, paint, and sculpture that will open up understanding and awareness to create a more empathic society.
Cyfeiriad / Address
Royal stuart Workshops, Adelaide Place, Cardiff Bay. CF10 5BR