Ross Shaddick


Film & television student at University of Wales Trinity Saint David


I'm a mature student and well into the 3rd year of my BA course in film & television. Since the beginning of my degree to present I have progressed significantly, this has been attributed to my willingness and drive to progress within the creative industry. As a result I have been awarded high marks with excellent feedback across all of my essay-based coursework, such as Research in Context; 2500-word essay. This level of effort has further been contributed to the assignments geared toward the practical based modules such as Applied Storytelling to develop concept into script writing and produce a short film. I have enjoyed the level of academic research that has aided my script writing, furthermore my keenness to one day becoming a film director.

'Well done Ross, this is an excellent insightful and
complex portfolio that succeeds on many levels,
showcasing a very promising and original proof of
concept and supporting it with astute analysis. Your
research has drawn on an extensive variety of
relevant sources, giving you a detailed
understanding of fundamental filmmaking principles
that are ably demonstrated and well explained in
the proof of concept materials. The presentation of
the portfolio is also effective, always engaging and
well structured, evidence of your increasing
professionalism and employability.'
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44 Terrace Road