CLONC - catch up and connect with Creative Cardiff

15/10/2021 - 12:00
start outside main entrance to Wales Millennium Centre and head over to Grange Pavilion (end point at 1pm)
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Posted by: Creative Cardiff

Alexia and Isie talking

We’ve missed the opportunity to meet, to chat (CLONC) and bounce ideas round! Creative Cardiff is all about collaboration and we're beginning to explore, tentatively, ways we can do that in person again.

We’ve planned some informal outdoor get togethers at a few different locations around Cardiff and at different time slots over the next month.

Wednesday 13 October, 11am – start at Café Castan Llandaff Fields and head over to Secret Garden café, Bute Park (end point at midday)

Friday 15 October, 12pm midday – start outside main entrance to Wales Millennium Centre and head over to Grange Pavilion (end point at 1pm)

Tuesday 19 October, 9.30am – start outside Milk & Sugar, central square and head over to outside City Hall and Brodies coffee (end point at 10.30am)

So, if you’re a creative living or working in the city and you feel as though you’d like to meet other creatives in person too then please join us.

The coffees/juices/smoothies are on us!  

We’ll be outdoors and if you’re able to walk between the venues then you’re welcome to join us on a walk. Otherwise, there’ll be plenty of opportunity to catch up and connect at the start or end points so meet us at either.

Feel free to bring along your babies, children, family members, friends, or carers.

Let us know if you’d like us to provide accessibility support such as a BSL interpreter.

If the weather looks a bit too rainy, we’ll postpone to another time and we’ll let you know on our social channels – Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram no later than an hour before.

No need to book, just turn up. We’ll need to take your contact trace details on the day. Please do not attend if you feel unwell, display any symptoms of or have tested positive for COVID-19.

If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch by emailing or calling 02922 511597.

And if you'd prefer to meet up online you can join our Need! Have! Collaborate! event on Thursday 7 October.


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Jess Networking at a Creative Cardiff event