Need! Have! Collaborate! - October 2021

07/10/2021 - 14:00
Profile picture for user Creative Cardiff

Posted by: Creative Cardiff

Our monthly meet-up returns this October with new opportunities to meet with others from the creative community.

There’ll be chance for you to share who you are, what you’re working on and if there’s something you’d like to collaborate on.

We’ll also hear more about these live funds:

  • Paul Osbaldeston, Sector Development Lead for Digital, Creative WalesIf you are a Wales-based business that develops content, products and services in the creative industries you can apply for Welsh Government funding of up to £25k to develop your project. The new Creative Wales Development Fund, open until 11 October 2021, includes two strands, focusing on supporting projects within the TV and digital content sectors (including games, animation, Createch and creative services).
  • Rebecca Wignall, Arts Manager for British Council Wales sharing information about their next Digital Collaboration fund.

Live captioning will be enabled during the event.

Sign up on Zoom in advance and let us know how we can make the event accessible for you.


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Jess Networking at a Creative Cardiff event