Live Music Moments: Carys

2024 might just be Cardiff’s biggest year for music yet!

To celebrate we’ll be profiling some of the stories from this blockbuster year for live performances in the city; speaking to the fans, the bands and the behind-the-scenes talent about what makes Cardiff such a special place for live music. 

For our latest City of Music feature, we speak to Creative Cardiff's Carys about her favourite live music moment in the city!

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Posted by: Creative Cardiff

Date: 26 June 2024

Carys at Pulp

Which concert still stands out as the best you've attended in the city? What made that band/artist's performance here so extraordinary?

Since I moved to Cardiff 7 years ago, I have seen so many brilliant artists perform at large scale events and at our brilliant grassroots music venues. We are immensely lucky in Cardiff to have so many venues to choose from, each offering exciting and varied programmes with new and established music acts from Wales and beyond. As a venue, I have to mention Clwb Ifor Bach. It’s a fantastic space to see live music and I still can’t quite believe that I managed to get tickets to see The Libertines perform in such an intimate session. Before this year, the last time I saw them perform was at Hyde Park. In January, I was one of 200 people who attended their gig at Clwb Ifor Bach.

Although The Libertines was a brilliant gig, my highlight of the year was seeing my favourite band Pulp reunite for a UK-tour and having them perform on my doorstep at the Utilita Arena! I’ve loved Pulp’s music since I was a teenager and have longed for the day that I’d see them perform live. I’ve been constantly refreshing their gig listings for almost 10 years!

The Libertines at Clwb Ifor Bach

Have you been to many Pulp concerts?

Unfortunately not! Only twice and both experiences were in 2023. Having said that, I did go to the film premiere of their documentary ‘A Film About Life, Death & Supermarkets’ in Sheffield when I was 16- which was as close as I got to seeing them live before this year. I’ve also been to see Jarvis perform his solo sets five times in the past!

Pulp live show

What was so special about their show in Cardiff? Do you have any fun or memorable stories from that night?

Pulp’s gig was especially significant to me as my entire family, who are all also fans, came over from North Wales to join me at the show. We all loved it, so much so that I booked to see them at Sheffield, their home city, for later in the run. As a Welsh speaker, it was incredibly exciting to see my favourite artist (Jarvis Cocker) speak a bit of Cymraeg on stage! It’s impossible to pick a highlight from that gig, but getting to the front in time for Common People was particularly memorable.

Additionally, as we look ahead to more live music in Cardiff's future, which artist or band that is scheduled to perform in Cardiff are you most excited for?

It is such an exciting year of music in Cardiff. The Principality is due to host a range of big names, Tafwyl is returning, the National Eisteddfod is coming to Pontypridd and in October, we’ll see the return of Swn, Llais, the Welsh Music Prize and the first Cardiff Music City Festival. With such a packed year ahead, it’s incredibly difficult to pick what I’m most excited to see. I’ll be seeing The Libertines again later in the year, and I’m also excited to take a trip down memory lane with some friends at Avril Lavigne in the castle. I’m also excited to discover some new music, so please send any gig recommendations my way!


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Jess Networking at a Creative Cardiff event