Cristian Gonzalo Saavedra Silva


Producer at Lambda Media


Hi! I'm a Chilean borned Producer/Director/Creative. I have worked and developed contents for traditional and digital media, on very diverse fields/industries (videogames, inclusivity, music, live events/conventions, broadcasting, public transport). Either as a Executive Producer, Creative Director or Filmaker/Director, my proyects have had a good response from, audiences, clients and sponsors.

In 2021, I came to the UK to work and collaborate on proyects either on a global or local scale, and I chose Cardiff for it's relevance on creative industries and visual media. I want to create and be part of proyects that hopefuly speak to everyone, everywhere.

I'm looking for opportunities to bring my experience into the creative landscape of the city, collaborating and developing proyects for other talents to hop in.

Good things I hope!
Cyfeiriad / Address
63A Janet Street