Creating Cardiff: resources

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Postiwyd gan: Creative Cardiff

Dyddiad: 13 March 2017

Ahead of our first Creating Cardiff workshop on Friday (17 March), we wanted to share a number of resources which may be helpful when thinking about city identity.

We've collated a list of pieces which focus on Cardiff's creative strengths and challenges.

If you have any to add, please drop us a line at with the link and we will update this resource as the Creating Cardiff challenges progress. 

In the meantime, here is some food for thought: 

What makes Cardiff the city it is? It’s a question many ask, and often generates talk of warm welcomes and friendships made, of culture and creativity and of a sense of belonging. 

Living on the edge, Mathew Talfan for IWA Wales.

Huw and I established Sŵn not only to have something we thought was great on our doorstep, but also to bring people in to see how brilliant we thought Cardiff was, and to introduce them to our favourite new music from Wales. 

Music Tourism and Wales by John Rostron.

The Welsh capital is full of good people who are determined to make things better for their friends and neighbours. From charitable acts to creative triumphs and the simple joy of visiting new cafés, restaurants and bars, here are a few of the things that made Cardiff great in 2016. 

16 positive things that happened in Cardiff in 2016 by Matt Ayres.

In the spring sunshine it’s not difficult to see contemporary Cardiff as a Creative City. But it has not always been so easy. 

Professor John Hartley on the idea of the creative city.

Compact, multicultural Cardiff dances to its own beat, with abundant cultural and historical sights, independent businesses and a friendly atmosphere. 

Cardiff for first-timers by Amy Pay for Lonely Planet.

We can talk about place-making at the local community level – and that is very necessary – but in city region terms we also have to make a place, to make the coast and valleys of south east Wales cohere into a city region that has a real sense of itself. If the city region is to be that, and not some artificial bureaucratic construct, it must have a cultural policy that makes it one place not two. 

Geraint Talfan Davies on Culture and the city region.

The Welsh capital is bursting with things to do, delicious things to eat and beautiful places to go.

The Cardiff bucket list - 30 things to try to try in the city in 2017. 

A central aim of Creative Cardiff is for our city to be a capital of creativity. We're sure the way to do this is by working collaboratively and playing to our collective strengths. 

Creating Cardiff: first steps by Lisa Mathews.

Cyfeiriadur rhwydwaith

Ymunwch â'r rhwydwaith

Creu proffil cyfeiriadur i rannu eich gwaith ac i gysylltu a chydweithio â phobl greadigol eraill.

Jess Networking at a Creative Cardiff event