Founded in 2002, Laura H Drane Associates is passionate about people, causes and ideas that make positive impacts.
Laura is an arts and cultural producer, consultant and facilitator, based in Cardiff since 2012 (previously based in Edinburgh, Manchester and West Yorkshire) and continuing to work across the UK. She has extensive experience across a wide variety of projects, artforms and sectors; more than 100 contracts to date have been across artforms and sectors (eg museums, heritage, arts, culture, STEM, community/ voluntary, charitable) including creative producing, consultancy, programme development/delivery, feasibility, research, evaluation, and facilitation. Current and previous clients include UK Antarctic Heritage Trust, Light Ladd & Emberton, Gentle/Radical, Operasonic, Museum Development NW, Cadw, Royal Museums Greenwich, The Other Room, CBSO, Manchester Histories Festival, Chester Mystery Plays, No Fit State Circus, National Museums Liverpool.