Rhiannon Forsyth

at National Film & Television School - Cymru Wales


NFTS Cymru Wales delivers a wide range of the NFTS’s world-class short, certificate and diploma courses.

Our courses are aimed at anyone who is looking to upskill or progress their career as well as those in need of training to secure their first role in the industry. We also offer bespoke courses, events and masterclasses designed and delivered to support the breadth of talent in Wales. We are located in Cardiff.

Mae NFTS Cymru Wales yn darparu nifer o gyrsiau byr, tystysgrifau a diploma o safon fyd-eang yr NFTS. Mae ein cyrsiau wedi’u haneli at unrhywun sy’n dymuno uwchsgilio neu ddatblygu eu gyrfa yn ogystal â’r rhai sydd angen hyfforddiant i sicrhau eu rôl gyntaf yn y diwydiant. Rydym hefyd yn cynnig cyrsiau, digwyddiadau a dosbarthiadau meistr wedi’u cynllunio a’u cyflwyno i gefnogi ehangder talent yng Nghymru. Rydym wedi ein lleoli yng Nghaerdydd.

Address / Cyfeiriad
NFTS Cymru Wales, BBC Cymru Wales, Cardiff, CF10 1FT