Emma Robinson


Owner at Little Tree Studio


Emma is a Bob Ross Certified Instructor (CRI) teaching oil painting classes in Cardiff and surrounding areas into Mid and South Wales.

As a CRI, Emma is certified by Bob Ross, Inc. to instruct painting classes and teach the Bob Ross ‘wet on wet’ technique.
Bob Ross and the Joy of Painting became important to me during lockdown in 2020. I learnt to let go of a lifetime of being told I couldn’t paint to realise that I could. And more importantly, to realise that I enjoyed the process of just giving it a go.

It’s quickly become a bit of an obsession; an obsession that has led me from Wales to Bob’s studios in Florida and Muncie, Indiana where I learnt how to teach the wet on wet technique and Bob’s unique style.

I’m excited to pass on the joy of painting to complete beginners, and the more experienced alike, to encourage everyone else who have been told they couldn’t paint to give it a go!

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I had the best time and the family are completely blown away that I painted a picture. Who would’ve thought I could produce a piece of art that the family want to hang on a wall. Amazing!


I am quite blown away by the experience. I went into the session skeptic, convinced I would not be able to produce anything remotely decent, but as soon as Emma instructed us to paint and things started to appear under my brush, I was all in! It was quite special. I loved it, and I love my painting.

Address / Cyfeiriad
10/11 Mill Lane, Cardiff, CF10 1FL