Eva Rodericks


at Cardiff University


I am a third-year student at Cardiff studying journalism, media and sociology, on track to receive a first-class degree.
I have experience in the following...
* Features editor at Gair Rhydd, so far I have covered child poverty in Wales, drink spiking and extreme weather events.
* Marketing intern at Moove; built relationships with local businesses, planned social media posts and campaigned on the ground
* Local news writer, the Borehamwood Times; covered local concerns, interviewed councillor Brett Rosehill, visited a vaccine centre, received feedback from a mentor.
* Communications volunteer, Women's Aid; plan social media posts to educate followers on women's issues.

I'm interested in a whole variety of roles, including PR, journalism and TV. I am a social, open-minded and creative person who loves working in collaborative environments, especially for good causes.