Joe Northwood

Musician and Educator at Joe Northwood


Hi, I am a professional saxophonist and music educator.

I have built a multi-layered career over the past 15 years, primarily in jazz and improvised music, and I continue to collaborate and perform with bands and musicians across many genres, performing 100+ gigs a year.

Most recently I have worked with 'N'Famady Kouyaté and the Successors of the Mandingue' (West African/Welsh Indie Fusion band) and 'Pendevig' (17-piece Folk super band)

I have been teaching for as long as I've been performing, in schools, community projects and currently the Jazz Saxophone Tutor at RWCMD Junior Conservatoire.

I also do my bit to help promote the creative music scene in South Wales through

And most recently I have joined the crew running Aiko Gang Records, a South Wales Independent record label.