Creative Cardiff Poster: Emma Prentice

We recently announced a commission looking for eight artists to design a version of our logo, which answered the question 'What does Cardiff's creativity mean to you?'. 

The eight eye-catching designs selected for this commission can be viewed on posters in key locations across Cardiff city centre. Find them all and share your favourite by using the hashtag #creativecardiff.

Find out more about one of our artists, Emma Prentice:

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Posted by: Creative Cardiff

Date: 26 June 2023

A headshot of Emma

Tell us about yourself and your creative background

I’m a Visual Artist and Designer. I’m trained as a Graphic Designer, working in many design agencies in and around Cardiff. I’ve been working as a freelancer for some years now, which allows me to explore both art and design. Over the past 3 years I have also explored digital drawing, stemming from an animation project I was involved with, telling the stories of the voices of residents in care homes. 

I’ve been a Community Visual Artist for over 15 years. My heart is in creating art with people. I enjoy encouraging and guiding to build confidence and also allowing personal growth. My creative work is very varied. One day I may be working with residents in a care home, the next day with 5 year olds in a school and another day Illustrating on my iPad. 

I continue to explore new avenues to make my practise more versatile and exciting for myself. I have recently enjoyed a carpentry course which has opened doors for my love of working with wood.  I’m also currently studying on a ‘Holistic Integrated Creative Arts Therapy’ course as I continue to explore art as a way of improving and enhancing people’s well-being. I feel very lucky to have a creative career and continue to learn and grow with each project I’m involved with.

How would you describe your work?

My art is experimental, sculptural and grows from a seed of an idea. I collect things which is largely part of the art created. When I find a bicycle wheel on the side of the road I see its possible potential. When I see a piece of wood washed up on the beach I enjoy its complete uniqueness. The history of objects I find, man made or natural, excites me. The abandoned nature of these objects makes me want to rescue them and turn them into an art piece. I enjoy using wood, nails, string, clay, typewriters, tin boxes, springy items, rusty tools and things washed up on the beach. My work tells a story and I enjoy having a narrative to what I have created.

Tell us about your design for this commission

The design is sculptural, made from a block of wood I found. It’s small and fitted perfectly with the Creative Cardiff logo. I wanted to portray the compactness of Cardiff as one of the smallest cities in Europe. The design is built up of layers, exploring the the different elements of Cardiff, from the straight lines of the buildings, to the green open spaces of the parks and openness of the water areas. My favourite building in Cardiff is the beautiful structure of the Millennium Centre. The use of copper sheet predominately represents this. The wire in the centre is the hustle and bustle of the heart of the centre of Cardiff. The boldness of the colours represents Cardiff’s vibrancy, diversity and friendliness. As I was creating the sculpture I kept in mind everything I enjoy and love about the city.

What does Cardiff mean to you?

The City for me is compact, open, welcoming, exciting, multi-cultural, creative, fun and diverse. I enjoy the expanse of the parks, the beauty of my local walk (Roath Lake), the energy of the Bay in the Summer and the sleepiness of it in the Winter. I love that it’s the hub of amazing events, which people come to visit with excitement. I enjoy the contrast of the locals to the newbie students. Cardiff is a friendly and welcoming city which absorbs all the different cultures. Cardiff is, Chippy Lane, Match Days, Cardiff Pride, Made in Roath, the Millennium Centre, the Stadium, the Market, the Lake, the Bay, Chapter, St Mary’s Street on a Saturday night, the Castle and the people from all walks of life.

Emma's poster

Emma's poster


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Jess Networking at a Creative Cardiff event