Poster Caerdydd Creadigol: Jack Skivens

Yn ddiweddar fe wnaethom gyhoeddi comisiwn yn chwilio am wyth artist i ddylunio fersiwn o’n logo, oedd yn ateb i'r cwestiwn ‘Beth mae creadigrwydd Caerdydd yn ei olygu i chi?’.

Gellir gweld yr wyth dyluniad gwych a ddewiswyd ar gyfer y comisiwn hwn ar bosteri mewn lleoliadau ar draws canol dinas Caerdydd. Dewch o hyd iddynt i gyd a rhannwch eich ffefryn gan ddefnyddio'r hashnod #caerdyddcreadigol.

Darganfod mwy am un o'n hartistiaid, Jack Skivens:

Profile picture for user Creative Cardiff

Postiwyd gan: Creative Cardiff

Dyddiad: 7 July 2023

A headshot of Jack

Dywedwch wrthym amdanoch chi'ch hun a'ch cefndir creadigol

I'm Jack and I've spent my life drawing. As a kid, I loved drawing, I'd copy satirical illustrations from newspapers and pages from comic books. I loved to create my own characters and stories. l enjoyed the connection with people through cartoons and illustrations, and loved to make people laugh with my drawings. As an adult I got in trouble regularly at every job I had for doodling on everything in sight. So, I made the jump to make my passion, my work. I love to tell stories and I'm always working on about 10 things at once. For me the process of drawing and exploring is the most fun.

Sut byddech chi'n disgrifio'ch gwaith?

With my illustrations, I love to tell stories, share moments and communicate ideas. I equally love drawing something really messy as I do something full of detail. My work is often inspired by the world around me, and I like to create illustrations that encourage people to explore the image and remind people to enjoy the little details and the world around them.

Dywedwch wrthym am eich dyluniad ar gyfer y comisiwn hwn

My design for this commission celebrates the green spaces and wild life in Cardiff. I love that Cardiff has so many parks and beautiful walks and scenery to enjoy. I think it's important for everyone to get out and enjoy them. As an illustrator, I've found the parks in Cardiff to be really inspiring. If ever I'm stuck with an idea or struggling to respond to a commission, I've found taking a walk in these spaces has been beneficial. There's something about being out in nature that helps me put everything in place, and if that doesn't happen I'm still enjoying a beautiful green space. I wanted to break the edges of the logo, to represent the ideas created in these spaces going off into the world. Creative Cardiff supports the creatives in Cardiff just as our inspiring green spaces

Beth mae Caerdydd yn ei olygu i chi?

Cardiff is an amazing city, I've found it to be a great source of inspiration, it has so much to offer and is filled with amazing people. Cardiff feels like a really creative space with a creative voice that's getting louder and stronger every year. It has allowed me to feel confident and inspired me to continue to be creative. I feel proud to be part of an amazingly creative and beautiful city.

Poster Jack

Jack's poster

Cyfeiriadur rhwydwaith

Ymunwch â'r rhwydwaith

Creu proffil cyfeiriadur i rannu eich gwaith ac i gysylltu a chydweithio â phobl greadigol eraill.

Jess Networking at a Creative Cardiff event