Second birthday Show and Tell

Profile picture for user Creative Cardiff

Postiwyd gan: Creative Cardiff

Dyddiad: 23 October 2017

Creative Cardiff celebrated two years of operation with a bumper Show & Tell event at Wales Millennium Centre on Monday, 16 October. 

The social occasion for 100 Creative Cardiff members featured speakers from across the breadth of the creative economy of the city - Tic Ashfield, Gareth Roberts, Mark Woods and Claire Ritchie - a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday and some very tasty birthday cake. 

Director Sara Pepper said: "In the two years that we have been growing the Creative Cardiff network I have seen and learned a great deal about the innovative and diverse creative community in the city.

"As Creative Cardiff approaches its second birthday, I am optimistic about the next steps for the network/our work. We have a solid base on which to build on, an ever growing list of members to engage with and a very active and innovative community with which to work. 

"I’d like to take the opportunity to say thank you to the members of our network, we have loved collaborating with you and hope that this may long continue! Our purpose is to make Cardiff the most creative place it can be so for those of you who haven’t joined yet…we look forward to meeting you and working with you on this journey."

Creative Cardiff Show & Tell from Creative Cardiff on Vimeo.

Cyfeiriadur rhwydwaith

Ymunwch â'r rhwydwaith

Creu proffil cyfeiriadur i rannu eich gwaith ac i gysylltu a chydweithio â phobl greadigol eraill.

Jess Networking at a Creative Cardiff event