
07/11/2024 - 19:00
The Gate, Caerdydd
Profile picture for user Adam Whitmore The Gate

Postiwyd gan: Adam Whitmore …

A Mythical Musical Odyssey with CALAN 

Immerse yourself in an enchanting world as the mesmerising quartet CALAN grace our stage with their unique brand of power-folk. This musical odyssey combines original tunes and songs with ancient melodies unearthed from the National Library of Wales. Join us for an extraordinary evening featuring tracks from their highly anticipated album, ‘Nefydd’.

Cyfeiriadur rhwydwaith

Ymunwch â'r rhwydwaith

Creu proffil cyfeiriadur i rannu eich gwaith ac i gysylltu a chydweithio â phobl greadigol eraill.

Jess Networking at a Creative Cardiff event