Kelly Quinn

Business Growth at Kelly Quinn Projects


I have had a successful 20 year career in sales by using my targeting knowledge and outreach expertise. I’ve launched start up companies, events and workshops in b2b and b2c. I have developed a signature process where I teach others how to plan and execute a successful targeted event launch. I want to test this out with creative folk to experiment with how my teaching style and industry knowledge can be transferred to support the growth of the creative and arts community in Cardiff. I am looking for people who are interested in exploring how they can increase the attendance and participation of their events, workshops and initiatives.

“Working very personally with me to restructure my business, Kelly has helped me to step into new levels of professionalism, personal power and focus. The impact has permeated my whole business. The product of our work are now core to Ginger's growth and thought leadership strategies for the next decade. Together we are making deep, powerful impact on the lives of thousands of women and beyond. And she's done all of this in a way that feels completely congruent with my personal style and values - which means that this is deep, powerful work that can't be undone.” Sarah Lloyd Hughes Ginger
Address / Cyfeiriad
213 Headlands, Hayes Point Hayes Road