Creative Cardiff Poster: Simeon Smith

We recently announced a commission looking for eight artists to design a version of our logo, which answered the questions 'What does Cardiff's creativity mean to you?'. 

The eight eye-catching designs selected for this commission can be viewed on posters in key locations across Cardiff city centre. Find them all and share your favourite by using the hashtag #creativecardiff.

Find out more about one of our artists, Simeon Smith:

Profile picture for user Creative Cardiff

Posted by: Creative Cardiff

Date: 26 June 2023

A headshot of Simeon

Tell us about yourself and your creative background

Hi, I'm Simeon, I live and work in Swansea where I make music, take photos, and spend a lot of time doodling. Like many artists I find it hard to concentrate on just one thing. I follow my mind wherever it goes. Recently I've been releasing video games for the 1989 Game Boy.

I had a less-than-conventional childhood, homeschooled in northern Spain by Christian fundamentalist parents. My mother teaches violin, so pushed me towards art. That led me to play in bands, which led me to music festivals and taking in tonnes of amazing art with wide eyes. I've never looked back.

How would you describe your work?

I started doodling as a way to practice mindfulness and meditation without having to stop creating. My mental health swings wildly between depression and anxiety, and having a daily practice where I can quiet my mind is so important to my wellbeing. My doodles are largely intuitive, following the pen where it wants to go. 

I started uploading videos of my doodles to TikTok a couple of years ago, talking about my struggles with mental health and it resonated with people. Since then it's been a pleasure to spend more time doodling as more people have become interested in my work. 

Tell us about your design for this commission

I often struggle with the question "is it enough?" I see artists do incredible things with realism and colour and bold statements and I'm just here doodling with a pen. I wonder whether Kandinsky or Keith Haring had the same insecurities. 

When you're commissioned to do work, though, that question quietens down a little. I was commissioned based on my previous art, so surely it must be enough? 

So with that in mind, I sat down as I usually do and started doodling, following the pen, and thinking of the amazing times I've spent in Cardiff.

What does Cardiff mean to you?

The best times in Cardiff can be had listening to amazing bands in tiny venues. I've had so many great nights at Clwb, but I mourn the loss of Gwdihw every time I look at gig listings.

Simeon's poster

An image of Simeon's poster


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Jess Networking at a Creative Cardiff event